
How Has The Education System Changed Since 1944

Marden pupils 1962 and 2012 montage Marden High School produced this image for the cover of its 50th anniversary booklet - the school uniform has inverse a lot!

The 1944 Didactics Deed guaranteed free didactics for every child in England and Wales.

It likewise divided schools into primaries and secondaries and aimed to heighten the school leaving age to 15 and, as soon every bit "practicable", to 16.

All the same some of these changes took years to bring in.

For example the regime raised the school leaving age to 15 in 1947 - only it was non until 1972 that the leaving age rose to xvi.

In the same year, the final elementary schoolhouse, which took pupils from the ages of 5 to 14, was airtight and since then education has continued to alter.

School Reporters at Marden High School in North Shields accept been investigating how their educational activity is unlike from that of their grandparents.

The schoolhouse historic its 50th anniversary in 2012. Some of the reporting team helped produce a booklet to marking the big birthday and they talked to local senior citizens well-nigh their memories of schoolhouse.

This story can be used as a starting indicate for your schoolhouse to also written report on teaching in the past, nowadays and future.

Andrew and India -  Marden By Andrew and India

Talking nearly his educational experiences, 1 man told u.s.a.: "We were caned for many things such as having messy pilus".

In the 20th Century, corporal punishment was nonetheless widely used.

Now nosotros have dissimilar methods and rights that prevent these kinds of punishments being used.

Charlotte and Lewis, Marden By Charlotte and Lewis

In the mid 20th Century, girls and boys were educated separately in secondary schoolhouse and there was very fiddling educational activity for those with special needs.

This, when inverse, caused controversy, because people believed girls were non as clever as boys, and should do different subjects.

The discrimination towards girls and those with special educational needs meant that it was difficult for them to get an education and bear witness them wrong, which they later did. Simply this meant that for a long while, women and those with special needs were regarded equally stupid.

This had to modify and it somewhen did as they constitute that they were equally clever.

Katie and Megan, Marden By Katie and Megan

Over the years, school curriculum has been subject field to various different twists and turns.

With subjects rooted in new technologies storming across the education board, modern students are left with an fantabulous overall range of learning.

Nevertheless, the large question is, will these new-age methods prepare our children for 21st Century life or are the old means the best?

Ben and Harvey, Marden By Ben and Harvey

The use of technology in instruction has vastly increased since the Education Act in 1944. Only recently has applied science taken off in schools and been noticed globally.

Many students now have total access to tablets and smartphones within schoolhouse, whereas before, schools had minimal admission to almost all engineering science.

It has proved to be exceptionally useful and has had a drastic touch on modern day social club.

Charlotte and Rebecca, Marden By Charlotte and Rebecca

The need to succeed in exams at school has increased dramatically since the mid-20th Century.

Present, to exist employed in a minimum wage job, ane needs at least a C in Maths, English and Science.

The elderly people nosotros talked to told u.s. that just xl years ago, a pupil would be able to leave schoolhouse one day with no qualifications and receive a job the next.

The pressure on getting at to the lowest degree v A*- C GCSEs in this day and age is tremendous in comparison to just a few years ago!

Likewise, another major alter is that the exams are at present completely unlike to what they were before 1986 when previous O-Levels were phased out and the more recent GCSEs were brought in.

These new examinations were "all inclusive" then all students of any ability could take the same examination.

Hannah and Gabrielle, Marden Past Hannah and Gabrielle

Since the Wellness & Prophylactic Act was passed in 1974, bureaucracy in schools has reached an all-time high, with vast quantities of forms being filled out on a daily basis.

Some people have come to ask the question, has it all gone as well far?

Nowadays schools are expected to take actress precautions to ensure student safety, however this was not the instance before the Act was brought in.


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