
How To Change Summoner Name In League

When you lot first created that summoner proper noun, it may have seemed like a good idea, and it probably was. Yet, now, in 2022, times accept changed, and we may want something a tad bit different. You lot may not be looking at your name, and realizing how weird information technology looks, or perhaps other people on the battlefield have been picking on your name. For whatever reason, if you are amongst those who have decided it's time for a proper noun change on League of Legends, you lot're in for luck, because I accept created this guide to aid you lot out. Before we become any farther, I would similar to tell you that it is possible to alter your summoner name on League of Legends, there are but some steps you will need to have.

When you change your proper name in League of Legends, what this ways is that you will be getting rid of your Summoner Name, and replacing it with a new one.

Irresolute your summoner names in League of Legends isn't as flexible of a concept – it's nothing similar getting one of the many LoL skins and walking abroad.

Unless you manage to score a summoner name change that is gratis, changing your proper name volition cost you 1300 RP or 13,900 Exist.

Follow these steps to change your proper name in League of Legends:

i. Click on the "Store" push in your League of Legends client

2. Once y'all're in the shop, click on the "Business relationship" button.

3. One time yous've reached the "Account" section in League of Legends store, click on the "Summoner Name Change" button.

4. Enter your new desired name, and click "check proper noun". If your new name is available, you tin unlock it!

Once y'all purchase the proper noun change and you utilise information technology, the new name will be practical to the summoner as before long every bit yous log back into the League of Legends client or the website.

Wondering how to modify your name in League of Legends for costless? There are a couple of piece of cake means for this to be done, then hang in at that place as I'm virtually to tell you.

I can understand wanting to modify your summoner name and not put any coin towards it – not everyone has that extra money to spare. And then, for those of you seeking a free manner to change your name, you're in luck considering there are two methods I know of that tin can get you that name change, costless of charge.

If you have a Summoner Name that is the same proper noun as your League of Legends account, you can alter your summoner name free of charge. What'due south the reason? Well, Anarchism views this as a security issue. If this is an effect for you, contact Anarchism in regards to this, and they volition let you change your Summoner Proper noun for free when you log in.

Method ii: Adding Special Characters and Spaces

If y'all have no security take a chance on your account, don't worry, because there's nevertheless a way for y'all to change that Summoner name in League of Legends without putting any money towards it.

While this is a elementary route to accept, have note that you will only exist able to do this one time.

Here are two ways y'all can practice this:

  1. Add together Spaces – You can add together ane space to your Summoner name


  • PokeBaller= Poke Baller
  • TubyBear = Tubby Bear
  1. Add together Special Characters – You can go in there and add special characters betwixt the existing characters of your Summoners proper noun. Adding special characters can make your name wait not and then deadening.


  • PikaChu = [email protected]
  • SmartMove = [e-mail protected]^due east
  • How to Go about Requesting a Free Name Change in League of Legends

As easy as those changes may seem, yous can't just go in there and alter it whenever you experience like doing so. Y'all will first need to reach out to Riot Support and become those changes approved. In order to do this, get ahead and submit a ticket to Riot Support. Brand sure the Subject reads "Subject: Summoner Name Change." In instance your Summoner Name is the same equally your username, you would write something like this to Riot Support:

"Hello, I am emailing you lot in regards to my summoner proper name change. My summoner name is the same every bit my account username, and I'grand worried almost this being hacked and would like to request a gratis name modify. Thank you lot in accelerate."

On some other note, if you're looking to add special characters to your username, transport them something like this:

"Hello, I would like to have my summoner proper name changed to (insert your new name). I would simply like to add together a couple of characters to the name. Cheers in advance."

LoL Proper noun Change FAQ

Now that you have an agreement of how to request a free name change in League of Legends, I'm going to introduce y'all to some of the FAQ I have seen people request in regards to name changes in League of Legends.

Beneath, I am going to cover a couple of topics, like the diverse associated costs, the no-no'south of League names and how to bank check to see duplicate names so that you tin can find 1 you similar.

I'd like to recollect most of you would know the difference between what'southward inappropriate and what'due south appropriate when it comes to choosing in-game names.

There are some game developers out there that accept a lower tolerance than others when it comes to inappropriate linguistic communication or names in their game. Riot is actually i of the ones that won't really tolerate anything inappropriate, and this is completely understandable. So, with that thought in listen, it is important that y'all have an understanding of the big no'due south of LoL names before you rename your business relationship.

To go into detail of what Anarchism deems inappropriate in League of Legends names, here is a curt list for you:

  • Political, historical, or ethical references
  • Hate spoken language such as profanity or slurs
  • Gross, vulgar imagery, or insults

If you lot create a Summoner Proper name that contains any ane of the above things mentioned, and then it is going to get flagged for renaming later on it is reported.

As of right now, the simple reply to this is that you are just allowed to change your proper noun once in League of Legends. Regardless of the approach you choose for getting that costless name modify, that golden ticket will only exist bachelor for y'all for a 1-way ride, so this time, when you change your Summoner Proper name, make certain you really think about information technology.

How Much Does an LoL Name Change Usually Price?

If you decide to skip the free road because you've already used your complimentary name change, and you lot're going through the Riot store to go this done, then a single Summoner Name change volition fix you lot dorsum 1300 RP or thirteen,900 Be.

If you're wondering about ways to go it cheaper, as of right at present, there are no name change discounts. Riot has never really ran any promotional sales on account-related microtransactions, so I don't see there ever beingness any discounts on proper noun changes, which means y'all shouldn't wait around for a coupon to modify your summoner name on LoL.

Earlier y'all skip ahead and catch up that new summoner name, you volition get-go desire to make sure it isn't already taken. Then, when you recall of a absurd new name, don't get your hopes up until it's actually yours or you lot could end up getting disappointed.

There are a couple of ways you can bank check for indistinguishable names in League of Legends – first, you tin can endeavour to brand a new account in the LoL client. Secondly, at that place's a nice little tool chosen LoL Names. Just search "LoL Names" in Google, and it should pop up as the beginning search query. With LoL names, you can encounter when those names are going to be released.

For case, let's say you lot know someone that has stopped playing League of Legends, and yous are interested in inheriting their Summoner name, head over to LoL Names, and t his sit volition tell you lot when the name will exist available for y'all to grab.

Is Riot ID the Same as Summoner Proper name?

I run across this question pop up quite a bit – your Riot ID is your Anarchism Account Username. This is the credential you will use in guild to log into your Riot Games similar LoL, Valorant, and TFT.

Normally, no one tin can see your Riot ID, unless you have your Summoner Proper noun sabbatum as the aforementioned, before Riot came up with this restriction.

Unlike the in-game Summoner Name, it's non possible for yous to modify your Riot ID. All the same, you lot can change the Summoner Name anytime you lot feel like it. If your Summoner Name is the Aforementioned as your Riot ID, as I stated higher up, you lot can asking your costless Summoner name change.


For those of you who have been wondering how to modify your name in LoL for free, and so this article should have given you everything you need to know in club to get the job done.

I have covered two ways that volition permit yous to asking that free name change, and I accept fifty-fifty covers some FAW, while introducing you to a dandy little tool (LoL Names) that you can use to look through thousands of names to come across when they're going to become available.

Now, I'thou going to ask y'all, what's your most regrettable Summoner Name? You tin share this with united states of america in the annotate section.

How To Change Summoner Name In League,


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